iPhone Locker For Android

Posted on 3:04 AM by Abdul Muneer

Please take a minute to read the full description before installing or posting a comment. The market does not allow us to respond to individual questions or comments. If you need any help just send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and enjoy the free app!
TO UNINSTALL, disable iLocker first by opening the app settings menu and turning the on/off button off! See tips section below for more info.
iPhone Locker is the ultimate iPhone lock screen app for Android! It includes the same features as you would find on an iPhone lock screen. iLocker even displays the "Slide to unlock" animation that many other lockers are missing. Why use your boring stock lock screen when you can use iLocker?
★ iOS clock
★ iOS date with month, day, and day of month
★ "Slide to unlock" animation
★ iOS slider graphics 

★ Automatic music controls
★ 3 backgrounds or user wallpaper

★ Unlock sounds

★ Hide status bar

★ Low RAM footprint

★ 0% battery drain



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